Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Update -- Bryce

Oh man, with "Mal-content," you may have permanently sold the name, Mom.

"Oh Schmidt, it's Christmas!" . . . Round 2. :)


Round 1: From Bryce's Blog, November 2008
(For your entertainment.)

"A Jon Schmidt Christmas"
That's a real album, and Haley and I probably listened to it thirty thousand times today, give or take a few thousand. We like the CD (clearly), but we thought the name was lacking. Here are some of our recommendations:

"Jon's Greatest Christmas Schmidts"
"Christmas... and Schmidt"
"A Pretty Schmidt-y Christmas"
"We Wish You a Schmidt-y Christmas"
"We're Not Schmidt-ing You: It's Christmas!"
"Schmidt Versions of Your Favorite Carols"
"A Schmidt-load of Christmas"
"Oh Schmidt! It's Christmas!"

The moral of the story is that we're both very grown up and mature. 

False. But you know you laughed. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment. Maybe we'll email Jon the list. :)

Oh, my gosh! Dad and I were just roaring over that one!!!!! Excellent entertainment for sure. Dad suggested "It's beginning to look a lot like Schmidt" and "Frosty, the Schmidt-man" so, as you can clearly see, you should not ask for his suggestions ever again. I was trying to come up with a clever way to incorporate "Weiner Schmidtzel"...but that's just me.

Deck the Halls with Schmidt
Christmas Schmidt for the Holidays
Stockings Full of Schmidt
Schmidt! Schmidt! Schmidt!
Dashing Through the Schmidt
Baby, There's Schmidt Outside

I'm not okay.

Oh, my Shelli....Honestly! I just keep laughing out loud about your answers. Why is it that we can't just let it go by and not HAVE to add our own little jingles??? Not one of us is okay.

"I love mother, she loves me,
We love daddy, yessiree,
He loves us, but you can see, 
We are a sick, sick family."

"Have a holly jolly Schmidtmas" 
"Rudolph The Schmidt-nosed Reindeer" hahaha!! =]
"I Heard the Schmidt on Christmas Day"

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