Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Another Update -- Bryce

Sorry to hear about the fence issues are a continuing saga. I'd be surprised if your home insurance wouldn't replace the whole thing, though, since it's all just about falling over at this point. (Assuming the fence is covered.) Might be worth looking into. 

Oh, and Kev and Mom both: most homeowner and/or renter insurance policies have limited coverage for identity theft issues, usually capped at or under $2K. If either of you end up out any cash, it's worth taking a look through the insurance policy (assuming you have a renter policy, Kev) to see if you can make a claim. In fact, if either of you is continuing to have problems with your bank or the credit agencies, feel free to give me a call and we can talk about what the banks/credit agencies have to do for you. Maybe you can use that info to get them off their keisters. 

We don't have a lot to add to our last update, since all we've done is add nasty colds to the mix. I'm the healthiest, but I still worked from home today to avoid dropping a biological bomb on my office. (I get to work from home more these days because a good friend of ours hooked me up with two huge monitors for free. I need a lot of screen real estate to work effectively, so I used to have to stay at the office late or go in on weekends to have access to my dual monitor setup. Thank heaven for wonderful, generous friends.) We're pulling out of it just fine, though, so it hasn't been a huge deal.

We have Everett's kindergarten information meeting next week, which seems sort of surreal. Good thing we'll fill up the house a little more before he starts school. :)

That's about it for us. As E would say, "I love you all the numbers down to zero!"

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