Wednesday, December 10, 2014

RE: Need your help! -- Bryce

Oh Mom, we'll be praying so hard that you find your camera. What a heartbreaker it would be to lose all that. (Not to kick you while you're down, but if you had a smartphone, all those pictures would be backed up automatically, and you could either call it or track it by GPS to find it. Oh hey, and we expect to have an extra iPhone or two when you come visit for the baby blessing. How fortuitous. :) )
Heaven knows I'm all in favor of family email chains. Let's turn this into one!
Everett was up all night on Sunday (although he was happy as a lark all night, we learned on Monday it was an ear infection), and told Haley the next morning, "When I stay up at night, I can feel Jesus's love come down." It was the sweetest thing. I'm mostly sure it was sincere, too, but because he's my son, I have to acknowledge a lingering suspicion that he said that because he knew it would melt our hearts and encourage us to forgive him for the sleep deprivation. 

Oh, and a little shout out to the nieces, too. Ever since we got back from Utah, Gins has undergone a pretty dramatic transformation. She's still a silly little perpetual motion machine, but it kinda seems like she has consciously set aside her wildness (which is to say, she's still always on the go, but she doesn't run around growling all day every day). She's also gotten a lot more snuggly, so it's a win-win. We're pretty sure this change was a group effort by the Lowder and Lyster cousins, but I wanted to acknowledge the Lowder nieces for their part. :)

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