Saturday, December 20, 2014

"C'mere scorpions! I teh get you ... wif me hammer!"

Noelle has gone from being deathly afraid to go outside (I may have inadvertently influenced her in the beginning of our stay here in Arizona) to being the Rambo of the family. She is fearless. And ruthless. We were on a walk the other day and she saw an innocent grasshopper on the road. 

"AAH!" She let out her darling little high-pitched war cry, ran over and stomped on it as hard as she could. It was a big one too, so there was some gut squirting which only fueled her hate fire. She stomped again for good measure.

"Belle-Belle, you don't need to smoosh the grasshoppers. They're nice bugs." I tried to tell her.

"No. Teh yuck!" 

Yeah, she's got a point. 

She is the spunkiest, goofiest, most temperamental child I have ever encountered. It is so fun to be her mom. Her heart is full of goodness, and we can work with that. She may have regretted giving the Salvation Army bell-ringer her gumball quarter five minutes later, but she gave it. :) I am totally in love with her.

Eve has learned to walk and loves to tangle herself up in my yarn projects. She loves dancing and being tickled, and every syllable that comes out of Noelle's mouth. With Chiara in school my two littles have really developed a sweet little sister bond. Eve can fall down, have tears streaming down her face, and still giggle when Noelle tries to cheer her up. Nothing is sweeter than Noelle being sweet. The opposite is also true. But in Eve's eyes Noelle can do no wrong. Eve is silly and happy and has a hilarious machine gun grunt that makes me laugh every time I hear it. The only things I know she doesn't like are bananas, shoes, socks, and the third hour of church.

Our Chiara girl is a great reader (it's actually become problematic at times ... I'm getting used to the threat of printed words being read aloud at any given moment) and LOVES to learn. Her teacher calls her "velcro brain" and makes her the example of paying attention and remembering what is being taught in school. She's actually talked to me about Chiara's memory being phenomenal, and how I might need to be careful she doesn't imprint on incorrect spellings, rules, etc. because Chiara will remember it the first way she encounters it. I relish the challenge of teaching and nurturing a mind like hers. We have such great discussions, sometimes I forget she's five years old.

Her favorite things to learn about are dinosaurs, sharks, the human body and everything churchy. Her prayers are the most tender words I hear all day. We are trying to teach the girls to tell Heavenly Father the feelings in their hearts and Chiara has really internalized it. Like always.

So ... Christmas 2014 finds us happy, healthy, and hopeful. I am always surprised at how hard my days can be, but there's nothing I'd rather work for than these little girls. Bring it on!

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