Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Update -- Kevin

Bummer to hear about Everett’s foot. Hopefully it gets all the way better soon.

As for us, there doesn’t seem to be that much to write about. It’s been nice having a few days off from school, though I have been able to use the time to get caught up with studying a little bit. Rachel’s family has been slowly trickling into town, with Sharla and Jeff’s family getting here late on Monday (Sharla’s b-day). So to celebrate, we went to Outback Steakhouse last night and then went and saw the final Hobbit movie. Not bad, but not one I plan on ever buying.

I think the most entertaining part of our lives is being the parents of a very quotable 2 year old. Seriously, this girl is something else. The other day I told her as she was eating lunch that—if she finished it—she could have a special snack afterwards (i.e., I’m going to eat a snack, and if you finish your meal I’ll share with you). When I promised her the snack, I had forgotten that she had already been snacking before lunch on something she got at church. Rachel kind of tried to do damage control and get us out of the new obligation, but since I really wanted to eat the snack, I just made the executive decision that we would proceed as planned. I said something along the lines of, “It’s okay. We can still have the snack. Daddy makes decisions around here sometimes, too.” (As a side note, I tend to run everything past Mommy before giving permission because I’m not at home enough to learn how things are done here.) In a way that only Audrey can say it, her eyes got wide with excitement and she enthusiastically responded with, “You make GOOD decisions!” I thought Rachel and I would never recover from laughing about that.

As for Esther, I can’t believe how fast she is growing into a cute little chunky baby. She is also getting very good at holding her little head up, and has been able to effectively roll from tummy to back (to the left or right) for well over a month now. I didn’t know that was even possible at this age. She is also sleeping very well at night, but is still very particular about when she wants to be held (always), who she wants holding her (Mommy), and how she wants to be held (any way but the way I’m currently holding her). Okay, it’s not quite that bad, but it feels like it sometimes. At least she has (finally) started warming up to me… “which is nice.”

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! Love you lots!

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